How to Maximize Growth Within the Positioning Hourglass
< Back to The Campfire Your approach and mindset about positioning needs to evolve as your business grows. To maximize growth you may need to speed up, or slow down through the positioning hourglass. The positioning hourglass is a mental model to visualize the...
Branding Research: How To Do It And What Business Leaders Believe About Using It
< Back to The Campfire This article was featured in the December 2022 issue of Foundr Magazine(click to view the piece) When we see a strong, memorable brand out in the wild, all we see is the finished product. We have the luxury of consuming the messaging,...
5 Ways To Improve Your Brand Communication Based On Data From 4,598 Companies
< Back to The Campfire It’s hard to evolve and improve your brand strategy without good data. Some data connects to your customers – understanding their needs, motivations, and preferences. And other data comes from assessing the competitive landscape – identifying...
The Brand Strategy And Customer Research We Used To Get Our Client 59% More Paid App Conversions
< Back to The Campfire Implementing a strong brand strategy in a company creates growth on multiple timelines. Some growth gets realized over the long term. It comes as a result of the big picture clarity and alignment of the team, and embedding the values and...