The Brand Strategy Field Guide

Grow your brand with the best, most actionable hub of free branding guides, articles, templates, case studies, exercises, examples, and original research available anywhere.🔥

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Brand Direction

Brand Direction Resource Guide:

Purpose, Mission, Vision, and Values

How to define the guardrails that keep your brand on track.
Topics Include:

  • Core Purpose Statement
  • Vision Statement
  • Mission Statement
  • Core Values

Explore The Brand Direction Resource Guide

Brand Direction Articles:

Brand Archetypes

Brand Archetypes Resource Guide:

12 Brand archetypes

Brand Archetype Definitions

Give your brand a character that connects with customers.

Topics Include:

  • The 12 Archetypes
  • Archetype Characteristics
  • Archetype Colors
  • Brand Examples

Explore The Brand Archetypes Resource Guide

Brand Archetypes Articles:

Key Messages

Key Message Resource Guide:

Key Message resource guide

Key Messages

Capture and express the unique value your brand provides to its target customers.

Topics Include:

  • Key Message Definition
  • Key Message Exercises
  • Brand Examples
  • Key Questions

Explore The Key Message Resource Guide

Key Message Articles:

Brand Positioning Strategy

Brand Positioning Process and Guide:

Brand positioning strategy

Brand Positioning Framework

Discover and communicate your unique, differentiated value.

Topics Include:

  • 3-Step Process
  • Positioning Exercises
  • Competitive Differentiation
  • Brand Positioning Examples

Explore Our Brand Positioning Framework

Brand Positioning Articles:

Customer Jobs to Be Done

Customer Jobs Resource Guide:

Jobs to Be Done resource guide

Jobs To Be Done

Align your brand with the motivations and desired outcomes of your customers.

Topics Include:

  • Definition and Examples
  • Grading Jobs
  • Job Story Format
  • Implementing Jobs

Explore The Customer Jobs Resource Guide

Customer Jobs Articles:

Brand Tone of Voice

Tone of Voice Resource Guide:

Tone of Voice resource guide

Tone of Voice

Define the emotional qualities that align your communication with your customers.

Topics Include:

  • Tone of Voice Definition
  • Brand Tone Exercises
  • Brand Examples
  • Key Questions

Explore The Tone of Voice Resource Guide

Tone of Voice Articles:

Branding Case Studies

Branding Case Study Resource Guide:

Branding case study resource guide

Well Known Brand Strategy Case Studies

Analysis and insights on popular brands to help shape your own brand strategy.

Topics Include:

  • Visual Identity
  • Brand Positioning
  • Key Messages & Tone
  • Marketing Content

Explore The Brand Strategy Case Study Resource Guide

Original Research

Pretty Good Brand Research Study

Hidden Dangers of the “Pretty Good” Brand

See the impact on growth for businesses with “Pretty Good” brands.

Ideal marketing message length and content

Marketing Messages Ideal Length & Content

Optimize your headlines, subheadings, and CTAs based on our original research

More Branding Guides

PESTEL Analysis

The external factors that impact and shape your brand’s ability to grow.

Topics Include:

  • 6 Core Categories
  • Analysis Exercise
  • PDF Template
  • Brand Examples

Brand Strategy FAQ

Definitions and exercises for the most common brand questions.

Topics Include:

  • Brand Identity, Name
  • Brand Personality, Voice
  • Brand Story
  • Brand Promise

Brand and Marketing Articles (Explore The Full Blog)

Branding and Marketing Fundamentals

One-sheets packed with definitions, exercises, and examples for each core section of your brand

Big Picture

Where is your business headed and how will you get there?

Topics Include:

  • Core Purpose
  • Vision Statement
  • Core Values
  • Goals and Objectives


How well do you really know your customers’ needs and priorities?

Topics Include:

  • Target Customer
  • Jobs to be Done
  • Job Stories
  • Elements of Value


Does your company own a unique strategic position compared to your competitors?

Topics Include:

  • Competitive Set
  • Competitive Landscape
  • Strategy Canvas
  • Competitive Analysis


Do you meet your customers’ most important needs in a unique way?

Topics Include:

  • Capabilities
  • Unique Value Proposition
  • Problem / Solution Fit
  • Value Chain


Do your customers (and your team) know exactly what you stand for?

Topics Include:

  • Mission Statement
  • Tone of Voice
  • Brand Archetypes
  • Brand Identity


Are you tapping into your customers’ emotions with your communication?

Topics Include:

  • Keywords
  • Key Messages
  • Content Strategy
  • Social Media Strategy