How to Find The Painkiller in Your Vitamin Business
< Back to The Campfire There’s a well known idea that you can classify any business into one of two camps: Vitamin or Painkiller. Vitamins provide long term benefits. They’re an investment that will help you make progress on larger goals. Unfortunately, the delay...
How To Check If The Window For Your Brand Is Open Or Closed
< Back to The Campfire How much does timing affect your chance of success in a market? What outside forces might impact the longevity of your business? A few weeks ago, I was on my morning commute to the gym. There was another car about 50 yards ahead of me and I...
How To Use Your Positioning To Plant A Flag In Your Customer’s Brain
< Back to The Campfire Over the past several years, I’ve had the opportunity to provide mentorship to college students at USC through the school’s entrepreneurship program. As I work with these students on their first business ideas, there’s a question I ask in...
What (And How) Your Customers Really Think About Your Brand’s Pricing
< Back to The Campfire To attract and convert customers for your business, it’s important to understand how they think about the price of your offering. There are lots of factors around price that influence a customer’s decision to make a purchase. Some of those...